
Showing posts from November, 2020

Formal Complaint Against Barrister Sakinah Sat (薩忻琪大律師) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K.

Formal Complaint Against Barrister Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K. I am lodging a formal complaint, as a member of the public, against Hong Kong Barrister Ms Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K., for her blatant breach of  paragraphs 10.29 & 10.30 of the Bar Code , in that she has failed to act with candour and independence in the interests of justice, and  knowingly deceived or misled the Court , in her ex parte Court Application before David Lok J on 22 August 2020 (Saturday).   The material facts had been set out in  [2020] HKCFI 2288 (HCMP 1282/2020)  -  https://legalref. search/search_result_detail_ frame.jsp?DIS=130716&QS=%2B& TP=JU  - where Linda Chan J said these about Hong Kong Barrister Ms Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers: -   12.  Indeed, although the contemporaneous documents referred to i

Disgusting Barrister Dr Christopher To Sacked by HKU for Offensive Sex Comments in Class

Disgusting Barrister Dr Christopher To Sacked by HKU for Offensive Sex Comments in Class /25/hku-law-department-replace s-instructor-following-rape- related-comments-made-class/ The University of Hong Kong has replaced an instructor following student complaints related to rape comments he made in class. In an email dated September 18 obtained by HKFP, the Department of Law told students taking the Law of Evidence class that it had “received student complaints concerning the comments made by the instructor in the context of rape and his subsequent reaction in class to the complaints.” According to an audio recording submitted to HKFP by a student complainant, the instructor, Christopher To had been discussing the topic of prejudicial evidence. He gave an example whereby a rape victim boasted on Facebook that she had slept with a hundred men and taken part in group sex. He said the accused would claim the woman was “open” and “loose,” as the judge considere

Barrister Lau Sai Luk in K M Chong’s Chambers Had No Ground To Appeal Against His Criminal Conviction

Barrister Lau Sai Luk in K M Chong’s Chambers Had No Ground To Appeal Against His Criminal Conviction l/20140528/O4CIO6MKTG54JFTPNPM YWPX53Y/ 資深大律師清洪徒弟劉世祿大律師,前年以手推車撞超市經理,罪成 被罰款。他向高院申請上訴翻案,昨以聘請律師為由要求押後,遭法 官拒絕後,他表現神化,一時狀似說不出話,一時說站不穩,一時又 說要步行一會。法官聽畢其上訴理據後,坦言「有生以來從未聽過如 此荒謬的事」,最終即場駁回其上訴。 於1997年成為大律師的劉世祿,曾任博愛醫院總理,2012年 12月4日在尖沙嘴K11一家超市內,以手推車撞傷超市經理的左 腳,審訊後普通襲擊罪成,被判罰款1,000元, 兼要向事主賠償500元。 早於今年1月,劉已獲准將上訴押後一次,但昨晨又以聘請律師為由 ,要求押後。女法官張慧玲斥他一心以為申請會獲批准, 沒帶備文件上庭,「我真的很驚訝,你身為大律師, 有沒有代表過任何人?」劉直言「沒有」。 法官指審訊謄本當中160頁涉及劉以種種理由申請押後,只有5頁 與審訊有關,故只肯將案押後至下午,讓劉查閱他稱支持其上訴理據 的電郵。 惟下午開庭時,劉又表示不適,甚至「口擘擘」,稱太大壓力,下巴 肌肉出問題。惟法官不為所動,「你盡力吧,慢慢說」。聲稱背痛的 劉在法官催促陳詞時,一時稱站不穩,一時突然要步行一會, 結果法官讓他離開律師席行了約一分鐘。 劉陳詞稱審訊時只有七天時間請律師,並不足夠,以致無法盤問證人 ,又說被迫在沒有律師的情況下抗辯,故審訊不存在。 法官表現驚訝,「如果每個被告人都這樣說,就不會有審訊了! 我有生以來從未聽過如此荒謬的事!」法官重提劉在審訊時, 一度以生日與審訊撞期為由申請押後,荒謬之至, 最終指劉毫無理據,駁回上訴。 散庭後,劉稱對攝記的背包膠轆感恐懼,拒絕同𨋢落樓,要求保安阻 止記者入𨋢,擾攘個多小時才進去。 案件編號:HCMA715/13 ... 18.  Apart from making oral submissions to supplement these 6 written grounds, the appel

Barrister K M Chong's Application Unmeritorious Contemptuous & Abusive, says a Deputy High Court Judge in KOO MING KOWN v. YOUNG KWOK HUNG CLEMENT AND OTHERS (HCA 1619 / 2014)

Barrister K M Chong's Application Unmeritorious Contemptuous & Abusive, says a Deputy High Court Judge in KOO MING KOWN v. YOUNG KWOK HUNG CLEMENT AND OTHERS  (HCA 1619 / 2014) Date of Decision:  14 August 2017 rs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS= 110836&currpage=T 6.  It seemed to me that the Striking Out Application made by the team led by Mr K M Chong (comprising Mr K M Chong himself, Ms Emma Wong and Mr Darren Poon and P T Yeung & Tang) might be in contemptuous disregard of Master Chow’s Order and might itself constitute an abuse of the process of the court.  It cannot be over-emphasised that I was dealing with an application to strike out paragraphs in a pleading added pursuant to leave granted by Master Chow.  I was not dealing with an appeal from the Master’s decision. 7.  I asked Mr K M Chong to address me on why I should hear him on the Striking Out Application. 8.  Mr K M Chong said that: “ Master Chow’s Order was made on 29 [sic] June