
Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel! 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月!

Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel! 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!Not paying Counsel's Fees or being late in paying Barristers is a serious act of misconduct punishable by suspension from practice! December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent) • Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”)

Harcourt Chambers Barrister Chow Hang Tung Should be Struck Off! 支聯會鄒幸彤大律師應該要被永久釘牌!

Harcourt Chambers Barrister Chow Hang Tung Should be Struck Off! Barrister Chow Hang-tung, formerly a vice-chairwoman of the alliance, was jailed for 12 months after she was found guilty of incitement and participation, while activist Gwyneth Ho Kwai-lam received six months after being convicted of the latter charge in the same trial. 支聯會鄒幸彤大律師應該要被永久釘牌! 六四案|黎智英判監1年1個月 鄒幸彤判監1年

Olympia Chambers Barrister James CC Cheng is a Useless Lawyer! 鄭從展大律師渣到死冇撚用!

Olympia Chambers Barrister James CC Cheng is a Useless Lawyer! 鄭從展大律師渣到死冇撚用!咬甩耳朵-48768/ 臨近審訊尾段,辯方大律師鄭從展欲在傳召最後一名證人、精神科專家前,呈上一份專家報告,惟報告內含其他不出庭作供的精神科醫生所撰寫的內容。法官張慧玲當時認為,辯方專家不能就「傳聞證供」作供,遂要求辯方修改報告。惟辯方經多次修訂,仍未達呈堂要求。張官感不滿,認為辯方呈上的報告不妥當,因當中透露了被告過去曾用雙刀架在妻子頸上,「控方都唔提暴力事件,你冇理由自己擺上嚟呀,好唔邏輯喎」。而被告較早時在庭上自辯時稱:「我從來沒有暴力,跟太太吵架都很少,基本上只是辯論。」張官續指,一直有留意鄭大律師的表現,發現其辯護多次與被告指示不符,又提及辯方數次更改抗辯基礎,「最初打自衛已經唔合理,之後又改口打精神有問題」。張官質疑被告的公平審訊權利是否受保障,一度提出更換律師或解散陪審團重審。張官更提到換大律師的法援安排,鄭大律師澄清自己並非法援律師,張官再斥責:「唔係法援,咁你更加唔妥啦。」

Abigail Wong, Parkside Chambers Barrister, Criticized by Judge Andrew Li in DCPI 1635/2019

Abigail Wong, Parkside Chambers Barrister, Criticized by Judge Andrew Li in DCPI 1635/2019 法官李樹旭批評律政司外聘的大律師黃紀怡花費一共 16 小時盤問一位證人(撇除午飯、休庭),其中有 81 分鐘用來問同一項目,認為她花費太長時間,再三提醒盤問時要實際。工程人員採訪被警毆打索償案-律政司花四天盤問-官斥用-81-分鐘問同一項目

唐明大律師藏毒罰四千 - Central Chambers Barrister Ming Tong Fined HK$4,000 for Possession of Drugs

Central Chambers Barrister Ming Tong Fined HK$4,000 for Possession of Drugs 唐明大律師藏毒罰四千

Convicted Criminal Candy Fong (the Barrister) Lost Her Appeal - 已被定罪罪犯方也方大律師上訴失敗

Convicted Criminal Candy Fong (the Barrister) Lost Her Appeal - 已被定罪罪犯方也方大律師上訴失敗 HKSAR v. FONG E-FONG CANDY -  HCMA 108/2020 - ​[2020] HKCFI 3133 //The appellant was convicted after trial of one charge of Common Assault and fined HK$3,000.  The appellant appeals against her conviction.// //On appeal, the appellant made this court sit through repeated viewing of the CCTV footage alleging that she had been kicked.  I could not see that she was kicked.// //... my observation from having viewed the CCTV footage many times was that it can be seen from the footage that the appellant had intentionally grabbed hold of PW2 by putting her arm around the neck of PW2 in order to stop the wheelchair from moving and in order to get close to him in order to speak to him.  I therefore find that the conviction was neither unsafe nor unsatisfactory and therefore the appeal is dismissed.// doc/judg/word/vetted/other/en/ 2020/HCMA000108_2020.doc 方也方被吊銷大律師執業資格 - Barrister Can

Formal Complaint Against Barrister Sakinah Sat (薩忻琪大律師) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K.

Formal Complaint Against Barrister Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K. I am lodging a formal complaint, as a member of the public, against Hong Kong Barrister Ms Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC), 38/F, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, Central, H.K., for her blatant breach of  paragraphs 10.29 & 10.30 of the Bar Code , in that she has failed to act with candour and independence in the interests of justice, and  knowingly deceived or misled the Court , in her ex parte Court Application before David Lok J on 22 August 2020 (Saturday).   The material facts had been set out in  [2020] HKCFI 2288 (HCMP 1282/2020)  -  https://legalref. search/search_result_detail_ frame.jsp?DIS=130716&QS=%2B& TP=JU  - where Linda Chan J said these about Hong Kong Barrister Ms Sakinah Sat ( 薩忻琪大律師 ) of Des Voeux Chambers: -   12.  Indeed, although the contemporaneous documents referred to i