
Showing posts from October, 2020

Krislyn Ng Sues Barrister Leon Chan (陳卓軒大律師) of Lawrence Lok SC’s Chambers So Funny!

Krislyn Ng Sues Barrister Leon Chan (陳卓軒大律師) of Lawrence Lok SC’s Chambers So Funny! 不堪恐嚇迫婚煎熬 星女與父母入稟向實習大律師索償 來自新加坡的一家三口昨入稟區域法院控告一名男實習大律師迫婚,三人指控他不斷恐嚇及中傷他們一家,更曾在醉酒狀態以訊息強迫女事主答應其求婚,並四圍向事主朋友散播不實謠言,令他們一家飽受心理及精神煎熬,事主父母希望說服他離開其女兒亦不果,故一同入稟冀法官為他們受到的心靈損失對男子作出懲罰以儆效尤。 原告分別為Krislyn Jiaqian Ng,James Yew Chye Ng,Wendi Kwee Guan Tan;被告為 Chan Leon Cheuk Hin (中文名字:陳卓軒)。 根據互聯網資料顯示,被告於2019年3月起在香港中環都爹利街6號 印刷行10樓任職實習大律師。

Lawyer Counsel Barrister Devin Sio Heavily Criticized by District Court Judge! 蕭震然大律師俾區域法院暫委法官何俊堯咁鬧法會唔會好傷心㗎!

蕭震然大律師俾區域法院暫委法官何俊堯咁鬧法會唔會好傷心㗎! Lawyer Counsel Barrister Devin Sio Heavily Criticized by District Court Judge! Barrister Devin Sio Useless and Disgusting 兩名女保母去年代女性朋友照顧4歲女童期間,聲稱因女童經常「講大話」而「無耐性」,出手拳打女童面部及身體多處遍體瘀傷擦傷,又以打火機燒傷女童腿部,更捏其陰部,更引發半昏迷、呼吸器相關肺炎連帶敗血性休克及右視盤出血等。兩名相戀12載的女被告承認一項虐兒罪,偏向男性打扮的首被告亦承認一項管有危險藥物及一項管有適合或擬用作吸服危險藥物的器具罪。案件押後至2019年1月17日判刑,以待索取女童的心理及創傷報告。 代表首被告陳天佑的蕭震然大律師被法官問及辯方會否爭議案情時問至「口窒窒」,亦沒有準備案例及陳詞,希望法庭押後案件直至取得女童報告。區域法院暫委法官何俊堯直斥「你知今日係答辯㗎可?今日可能係判刑㗎喎!點可以咩都唔準備?你做咗幾多年大律師啊?」。蕭大狀細聲回答:「7年⋯」並承認自己沒有詳細準備女童傷勢的事宜,亦需時向被告索取更詳盡的指示。何官指責說:「單案最重要就係傷勢,你竟然話我知未準備好,我好驚訝」,「你而家咁樣非常浪費法庭時間」。 代表次被告馮嘉寶的鍾凱婷女大律師則指索取次被告指示後,次被告承認二人曾經拳打女童腹部及掌摑其面部,但其他傷勢就不清楚是女童自己撞傷,還是在二人照顧前已受的傷。何官指出二人作為女童的照顧者「無可能唔知」,「無可能無留意到女童身上有無傷勢」,何官亦表示初步不會接納此說法。但控方案情中清晰指出除了兩名被告承認的事項外,沒有直接證據證明女童身上其他傷勢是兩名被告蓄意造成。 兩名女被告為以男性打扮的陳天佑(37歲)及馮嘉寶(42歲)。控罪指她們於2017年11月1日至12月1日期間,在旺角花園街一分間單位內,對女童X負有管養、看管或照顧責任下,故意虐待X,即襲擊X及讓X獨留在該單位。首被告陳天佑

Hong Kong Solicitor Jerry Jim of Jim & Co is an Arrogant Useless Disgusting Idiot

Hong Kong Solicitor Jerry Jim of Jim & Co is an Arrogant Useless Disgusting Idiot The Council of the Law Society has notified the Bar of its resolution passed on 18 June 2019 to intervene in the practice of Messrs Jim & Co, Solicitors pursuant to section 26A(1)(c) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159). The intervention commenced on 20 June 2019 CHU KAN WING v. HA PO YING the administratrix of the estate of CHU SIU WING, DECEASED [2018] HKDC 1514 - " I regret to say that the absence of Jim & Co. this morning without any permission from the court is a disrespect to the court.  I direct  that a copy of this decision be sent to the Law Society for their consideration and action. " SOPHISTICATED MATERIALS LTD v. SIDEPEC INTERNATIONAL LTD AND ANOTHER [2018] HKCFI 2836 - " Mr

Hong Kong Solicitor Joseph Leung Beaten Up On the Streets - 香港律師梁國堅同女秘書喺條街到俾人用壘球棍狂扑

香港律師梁國堅同女秘書喺條街到俾人用壘球棍狂扑 - Hong Kong Solicitor Joseph Leung Beaten Up On the Streets 49歲律師梁國堅前晚與女秘書往北角晚膳途中,遭兩惡煞伏擊,梁被壘球棍狂扑,女秘書亦被膠樽扑傷,兩兇徒逃去無蹤。消息稱,梁早前曾處理一宗遺產官司,已不止一次遇襲,警方正循線追查。梁國堅律師行設於灣仔駱克道,記者昨致電他查問,惟未有回覆。前晚9時許,梁與41歲姓鄺女秘書前往晚飯途中,路經糖水道與北角邨里交界,突遭兩名分持壘球棍大漢襲擊,同行鄺婦大驚呼救,兇徒用膠樽打她,同時恐嚇道﹕「唔好多事。」兇徒傷人後,跳上一輛私家車逃去,警方接報趕抵在附近兜截無果。梁曾對警員聲稱,懷疑事件涉及一宗遺產官司,之前亦曾遇襲。他左手肘、左手、頭部及右腳受傷;鄺女右耳輕傷,一併送院。警方在附近店舖搜集閉路電視錄影片段協助破案。

梁國堅律師行要求禁制僱員撬客但客人反要求過檔 - Joseph Leung & Associates (the Solicitors' Firm) Sought to Prohibit Its Former Employees From Taking Its Clients' Data, But Its Clients Joined the Action and Asked That They Be Allowed to Use the Former Employees of Joseph Leung & Associates (the Law Firm) Instead of the Firm 梁國堅律師行要求禁制僱員撬客但客人反要求過檔 Joseph Leung & Associates (the Solicitors' Firm) Sought to Prohibit Its Former Employees From Taking Its Clients' Data, But Its Clients Joined the Action and Asked That They Be Allowed to Use the Former Employees of Joseph Leung & Associates (the Law Firm) Instead of the Firm.   梁國堅律師行去年入稟高等法院,申請禁制令禁止4名過檔的前僱員及1名律師「撬客」及使用客戶資料,後獲法庭頒下臨時禁制令。惟有25名原屬梁律師行的客戶,早前向法庭申請加入訴訟,更指希望跟隨4被告「過檔」,讓4人繼續負責他們的案件。 法庭今頒下判詞,指若拒絕25名申請人,可能會帶來的不公義是難以彌補,相反地若讓被告繼續處理該25名客戶的案件,為原告帶來的後果卻可以控制,故最終批准該25名客戶的申請。 法庭下令5被告可繼續代表該25名客戶,但要向原告交出有關文件,而有關禁制令亦繼續有效,5被告不能處理2005年3月至2013年3月原屬梁律師行的案件。   (Source: )

Stupid Barrister Roy Chui of Garden Chambers Took Photos in Court! 徐曉峯大律師犯法喺法庭入面影相真弱智!

Stupid Barrister Roy Chui of Garden Chambers Took Photos in Court! 徐曉峯大律師犯法喺法庭入面影相真弱智! 徐曉峯大律師犯法喺法庭入面影相再放上自己 Facebook 真弱智! Lawyer Counsel Barrister Roy Chui of Garden Chambers committed a crime by taking photos inside court and uploading them to his own Facebook page he’s such an idiot! Arrogant Ignorant Childish Summer Student Roy Chui (Chui Hiu Fung Roy) Took Photos in Court - 張健利大律師行實習生徐曉峯法庭入面影相涉違法超低能! 法庭入面唔俾影相㗎! 弱智嘅人先會喺法庭入面影相然後自己放上網㗎! 張健利大律師行實習 庭內影相 法律生涉違法 人類總要重複同樣的錯誤。一名19歲法律系學生,本月初開始跟隨張健利大律師行(Denis Chang's Chambers)的大律師當暑期實習,最少兩度在區域法院和高等法院法庭內拍照,涉嫌違法。他卻把照片上載facebook在網上瘋傳。網民嘲諷知法犯法,揶揄「要威就要付出代價」,並稱已報警,可謂「呃like

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA)

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA) 8.   The defendant’s counsel cited a total of 38 cases in this application .  As stated in Practice Direction 2.1 §3(e), the skeleton submissions “should direct at helping the Court to determine whether grounds have been made out for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Final Appeal”.   It is unhelpful to load the submissions with copious authorities making more or less the same point in a number of instances . Written submissions by Barristers Mr Chua Guan Hock SC and Mr Kerby Lau, instructed by K B Chau & Co Solicitors, for the Defendant (Applicant)

Wasted Costs Order Against ​Irresponsible KB Chau ​& Co Solicitors ​Personally [1995] 2 HKLR 567 - Litton​ ​V-P, Bokhary and Godfrey​ ​JJA​ of the ​Hong Kong Court of Appeal - 不負責任嘅周啟邦律師事務所俾香港法庭罰訟費

Wasted Costs Order Against ​Irresponsible  KB Chau ​& Co Solicitors ​Personally  [1995] 2 HKLR 567 - Litton ​ ​ V-P, Bokhary and Godfrey ​ ​ JJA ​ of the ​ Hong Kong Court of Appeal ​ - 不負責任嘅周啟邦律師事務所俾香港法庭罰訟費 ​... ​ The appellants were solicitors on the record in High Court Action No. A994 of 1995 acting for a company registered in the British Virgin Islands called Shanghai International Capital Ltd (the plaintiff). It was, as the judge described it, a $50 company, with virtually no assets. Mr. Joseph Keung Shu-Hoi, a partner in the appellant firm, was in charge of that piece of litigation. It was his conduct of the matter on behalf of the plaintiff particularly in relation to a Mareva injunction application which led to the order now under appeal. ​ ​... In our view, the judge was plainly right to conclude that the wasted costs arose through the solicitor's misconduct and default. Personal liability for those costs properly

K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864! 周啟邦律師事務所俾香港高等法院上訴庭鬧! 周啟邦律師事務所俾香港高等法院上訴庭鬧!  K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864! 62.  After the conclusion of the hearing, and without seeking leave of the court or the consent of the plaintiffs, William’s solicitors made further submissions by letter with proposals of directions from this court to the judge.   This is highly unsatisfactory and such practice has been rightly deprecated in a number of decisions , including To Pui Kui v Ng Kwok Piu & Ors, CACV 281/2012, 21 August 2014, at §§55 to 61.  Mr Chua did not seek an adjournment of the hearing to deal with any further point he might wish to address, nor did he give any indication at the hearing he needed to do further research to supplement his submissions.  There are n

Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) Lawyer Counsel Barrister Daniel Fung SC Convicted of Misconduct - 馮華健資深大律師專業失當罪成

Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) Lawyer Counsel Barrister Daniel Fung SC Guilty of Misconduct 馮華健資深大律師專業失當罪成 馮華健資深大律師專業失當罪成 - Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Daniel Fung SC from Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) Guilty of Misconduct Barrister Daniel Fung SC (馮華健資深大律師), a Senior Counsel from Des Voeux Chambers (DVC - 德輔大律師事務所), was found guilty of professional misconduct on February 1 by the tribunal, chaired by Peter Ng Kar-fai SC. On June 2, he was censured and ordered to pay a penalty of HK$300,000. He was found guilty of failing to inform the Court of Appeal in 2005 about clauses of a legislative provision that were unfavourable to his client, Hong Kong Island Development, in a tenancy lawsuit. The firm is a unit of New World Development Group. According to a note on the tribunal's judgment, Fung's failure to draw the court's attention to the point was contrary to

Barrister Clemence Yeung Convicted of Misconduct - 楊業明大律師專業失當罪成被停牌

Barrister Clemence Yeung Convicted of Misconduct - 楊業明大律師專業失當罪成被停牌 楊業明大律師專業失當罪成被停牌 - Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Clemence Yeung Guilty of Professional Misconduct and Suspended Counsel Mr. Yeung Yip Ming (also known as Clemence Y.M. Yeung) By a Decision dated 3 March 2014 (followed by a 1st Corrigendum dated 21 March 2014), a Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found one (1) complaint of professional misconduct against Counsel Mr. Yeung Yip Ming (“Clemence Yeung”) to have been proved.  Further, by a Decision on Sentence handed down on 17 March 2014 (followed by a 2nd Corrigendum dated 21 March 2014), the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered, inter alia, that Clemence Yeung be suspended from practice for a period of one month. The suspension ordered by the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal takes effec

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Convicted of Misconduct - 朱奉慈大律師俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用!

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Convicted of Misconduct! 朱奉慈大律師 (Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu) 2000 年俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用! 前大狀朱奉慈嘗試以堂費扣稅敗訴 曾參選區議會落敗的前執業大律師朱奉慈,早年申請研究生獎學金時,虛報有一級榮譽學士學位,兼違反暫時放棄執業的承諾,被大律師公會裁定違反專業操守,被停牌半年,兼要承擔紀律聆訊的堂費,他指已付堂費可扣稅,獲稅務上訴委員會接納,稅務局長昨在高等法院上訴得直,推翻委員會的決定。 參選區議會兩落敗 涉案堂費共75萬元,00至03年支付予大律師公會,稅務局長評估利得稅後,朱奉慈要求委員會覆核,委員會去年6月接納堂費是可扣除開支,推翻原本的評稅。 法官鍾安德昨頒布判詞,接納稅務局長上訴指,單純與納稅人業務有關的開支,並不足以視為可扣除開支,必須是「用作產生利潤」的開支才可扣稅,委員會犯了法律錯誤,遂恢復原本的評稅。 現年47歲的朱奉慈於94年成為執業大律師,97年向港大申請研究生獎學金時,虛報82年在加拿大一所大學所獲的學士學位屬一級榮譽,又違反向校方的承諾,一邊繼續執業做大律師,一邊領取兩個月約35,000元獎學金,00年經紀律聆訊,被裁定六項指控成立,朱曾於99年及03年參選區議會,均告落敗。 South China Morning Post, 12 Feb 2000 (Cliff Buddle) Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving Univers

Solicitor William Au Wing Lun Arrogant Ignorant Useless! 區穎麟律師自大冇撚用!

Solicitor William Au Wing Lun Arrogant Ignorant Useless! 區穎麟律師自大冇撚用! The worst lawyer in Hong Kong is Solicitor Au Wing Lun William, who had been disciplined by the Law Society of Hong Kong multiple times and had been criticized as flagrantly incompetent and abusing the legal process. Solicitor Au Wing Lun William is Guilty of Misconduct, Arrogant, Ignorant, Incompetent and Useless! He was Disciplined by the Hong Kong Kong Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal for Flagrant Incompetence and for Giving False Sworn Evidence to the Court of Appeal! January 2000 - Disciplinary Decisions - AU WING LUN, WILLIAM On 29 March 2000 the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found that the following complaints against the Respondent were proved: Breach of Rules 2(c), (d), (e) and (f) of

Barrister Chan Ka Sing Guilty of Misconduct and Suspended by the Barristers’ Disciplinary Tribunal - 陳家昇大律師失德行為罪成被停牌 陳家昇大律師失德行為罪成被停牌 - Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Chan Ka Sing Guilty of Misconduct and Suspended by the Barristers’ Disciplinary Tribunal Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal - Mr Chan Ka Sing By Statement of Findings dated 24 January 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found two (2) complaints of misconduct against Mr Chan, Ka Sing to have been proved. By Order dated 24 January 2019 and Further Order dated 22 February 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered that Mr Chan be suspended from practice as a barrister for six weeks for Complaint 1 with effect from 29 January 2019, and be censured for Complaint 2. THE BAR COUNCIL V. CHAN KA SING ORDER OF THE BARRISTERS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL On 12 November 2018, two Complaints were lodged with the Convenor of the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal (“the BDT”) against Mr. Chan Ka Sing (“Mr

Barrister Stanley Kilian Ma of Olympia Chambers is Disgusting! He Stole a Woman’s Bra! 馬浩輝大律師好變態囉!女人胸圍都偷! 馬浩輝大律師好變態囉!女人胸圍都偷!Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Stanley Kilian Ma of Olympia Chambers is Disgusting! He Stole a Woman’s Bra! 偷胸圍罪成 大狀馬浩輝釘牌30月 【本報訊】案發時家住愉景灣的前執業大律師馬浩輝,在坪洲偷取一名女街坊的胸圍罪成,二○一○年十一月遭法庭判罰款了事。大律師公會轄下大律師紀律審裁組上月中裁定馬浩輝行為失當,本月九日起暫時吊銷他的大律師執業資格三十個月,有關命令並於昨日刊憲。馬浩輝同時需分六期支付六萬元事務費。 憲報昨公布,高等法院司法常務官龍劍雲按照《法律執業者條例》的規定公布,大律師紀律審裁組上月十五日裁定對馬浩輝一項行為失當指控證明屬實,審裁組命令按例暫時吊銷馬浩輝執業資格三十個月。 需支付六萬元事務費 至於馬浩輝需支付的六萬元事務費,以分期付款方式分六期支付,每期一萬港元,本月十五日支付第一期款項,餘下五期則在之後每月的十五日支付,審裁組的有關命令已在本月十五日送交司法常務官存檔。 案發於一○年五月三日,馬浩輝在坪州好景台永利街一號地下外,偷竊一個價值三百六十元的白底紅邊胸圍,屬一名羅姓女子的財產,經法庭審訊後同年十一月被裁定偷竊罪成,罰款三千元。

Barrister Lawrence Ma Convicted of Misconduct - 馬恩國大律師係大白痴冇資格叫自己做大律師! Barrister Lawrence Ma Convicted of Misconduct - 馬恩國大律師係大白痴冇資格叫自己做大律師! 中環出更:馬恩國爆粗罰做「釘牌大狀」一月 大律師馬恩國去年二月喺立法會一個聽證會上,因為以英文粗口鬧爆議員「長毛」梁國雄而遭投訴,大律師公會隨即對佢進行紀律研訊。研訊前後搞咗成年幾,馬大狀上周四終於收到公會嘅書面通知,判罰佢就「爆粗」事件停牌一個月,兼繳清研訊涉及嘅律師費用,相信十幾二十萬元一定走唔甩。馬大狀就自嘲即日暫改稱「釘牌大狀」。

Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel - 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎! 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!Not paying Counsel's Fees or being late in paying Barristers is a serious act of misconduct punishable by suspension from practice! December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent) • Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”) Hearing dates: 19 April 2012 and 20 August 2012 Order: 20 August 2012 Reasons for Decision: 11 October 2012 On 20 August 2012, the Tribunal found the following ten charges as in the Amended Complaint Sheet dated 23 December 2011 proven against the Respondent: 1st Charge Breaches of Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to settle the outstanding f