Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel - 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!

鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!Not paying Counsel's Fees or being late in paying Barristers is a serious act of misconduct punishable by suspension from practice!

December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent)
• Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”)
Hearing dates: 19 April 2012 and 20 August 2012
Order: 20 August 2012
Reasons for Decision: 11 October 2012

On 20 August 2012, the Tribunal found the following ten charges as in the Amended Complaint Sheet dated 23 December 2011 proven against the Respondent:

1st Charge

Breaches of Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to settle the outstanding fee of counsel, Mr. Lawrence Lok, S.C. (“Mr. Lok”).

2nd Charge

Breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to answer letters sent by the Law Society requiring him to provide his explanation on his failure to settle the outstanding fee of Mr. Lok.

3rd Charge

Breaches in Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to settle the outstanding fee of counsel Mr. Wilson W. S. Lau (“Mr. Lau”).

4th Charge

Breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to answer letters sent by the Law Society requiring him to provide his explanation on his failure to settle the outstanding fee of Mr. Lau...

... 10th Charge

The Respondent had engaged in conduct unbefitting of a solicitor in that he had failed to settle the outstanding counsel’s fees, failed to submit the Employees Returns of the Firm within the stipulated time and persistently failed to answer enquiries from the Law Society concerning his professional conduct or to explain his conduct when required to do so. These conduct amounted to breaches of Rule 2(d) and (e) of the SPR.

The Tribunal ordered that:

a) in relation to the 1st to 9th Charges, the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor for a period of nine months, being one month suspension for each charge under section 10(2)(b) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance Cap. 159 (“the LPO”);

b) in relation to the 10th Charge, the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor for a period of three months under section 10(2)(b) of the LPO;

c) the total period that the Respondent be suspended from practising as a solicitor in relation to the 1st to 10th Charges is twelve months; and

d) the Respondent shall pay the costs of the Applicant, the Prosecutor and the Clerk to the Tribunal on a party-to-party basis assessed at the High Court scale to be taxed if not agreed.

鄧明輝 (答辯人)《香港事務律師專業操守指引》(「指引」)第1冊第6.04、12.04和12.05條原則

答辯人為 Joseph Tang & Co. (「律師行」)的獨營執業者,在2012年4月19日及2012年8月20日舉行的聆訊均缺席。











... 第10項指控



a) 就第1至9項指控,根據第159章《法律執業者條例》第10(2)(b)條,答辯人被暫時吊銷執業資格為期九個月,即就每項指控暫時吊銷執業資格一個月;
b) 就第10項指控,根據第159章《法律執業者條例》第10(2)(b)條,答辯人被暫時吊銷執業資格為期三個月;
c) 就第1至10項指控答辯人被暫時吊銷執業資格為期共十二個月;及
d) 答辯人須支付申請人、檢控人及審裁組書記的費用,若未能就金額達成協議,則以訴訟各方對評基準按高等法院訟費表評定。


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